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# We build & supply all popular brands Workstations / Laptops / Printers / Consumables etc
What can we do for your business.
With competition on the rise on a daily basis you need an edge on your competition. So let us take care of all your IT requirements. As IT solutions continue to increase the productivity, efficiency and effectiveness of business operations and communication, business will continue to rely on Information Technology for success.
Services Available - Custom Software - Service Contracts - Upgrades - Support - Training - Repairs & Networking. Let's us assist you with all your IT requirements, our quotes are free our advise is free. Give us a chance and you might be pleasantly surprised. Contact us today and get in line for a custom made solution for you and your business.
Our Products & Services
"The bitterness of poor quality will be remembered long after the joy of a low price"
Systems, Servers, Notebooks / Tablets,
Printers / Inkjet / Laser, Consumables, Networking, NAS
Storage Devices, POS Point Of Sale, Barcoding Systems &
Consumables, Digital Cameras, Multimedia, Software &
Volume Licensing, Media, Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS),
Power Protection / Surge – Lightning, Network DVR, Solid
State Drives, Desktop Scanners, Cell Phones, Calculators,
Mice / Keyboards.
Advanced CAD Workstations
productivity depends on your tools, and the performance of
your workstation will only be as good as the components you
select. Today, that means you need to give full consideration
to your choice of GPU as well as CPU, and your memory needs to
be beefy enough to support all that computational horsepower.
In the age of massively parallel, general-purpose GPUs, old
ROI propositions no longer apply, demanding that we rethink
our priorities when it comes to outfitting our next
Feel the magic of the Micro-Ctrl Team.